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8 Tips to Protect Yourself From Skin Cancer

· skin care,laser skin clinic
protect skin from skin cancer

Oncological diseases are very common in the world today. Skin cancer is a very dangerous type of oncology and can appear at any age. However, its development can be prevented. Even without exposing your skin to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and regularly protecting it with sunscreen cosmetics, you are not completely insured against skin cancer. In addition, a small sunburn at an early age can subsequently lead to skin cancer. The damage from the sun builds up over the years, from long walks in the fresh air to innocuous things like grocery shopping and driving.

Diagnosing skin cancer early can save skin, and possibly life. Despite the benefits of early diagnosis, most do not have periodic self-examinations and do not see a dermatologist. Many doctors, including the specialists of a skin cancer clinic in Canberra and other countries, recommend self-examining your entire body monthly. If you are concerned about a suspicious formation on the skin, immediately contact your dermatologist, who will help you determine its nature and methods of treatment. The doctor will also tell you about the ways to protect your skin so that you can enjoy summer and healthy skin!

In this guide, we will look at the following tips of protecting yourself from skin cancer. So, let’s have a look.

Table of Content

  • Why is Prevention Necessary?
  • Tips for Protecting Yourself from Skin Cancer
  • Define your Phototype
  • Maintain Physical Activity
  • Monitor Your Direct Sunlight
  • Go With Regular Checkups
  • Know Your Moles
  • Wear Sunglasses and  Wide-Brimmed Hat
  • Consider Healthy Diet
  • Choose a Sunscreen
  • Conclusion!

Why is Prevention Necessary?

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. Almost all of its cases occur due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation emitted by sunlight, tanning beds and special solar lamps. For women, the desire to look attractive is completely natural. Faced with cancer, a person experiences the most negative emotions and experiences. Fear, despair, irritation, aggression, guilt, all this overwhelms and makes life unbearable difficult. And also, the reflection in the mirror is not happy.

This is where laser therapy and other kinds of the whole arsenal of other drugs are taken to maintain immunity and quality of the skin. In addition, simple beauty rules can also help maintain health and beauty and add a good mood. The first and foremost you should do is to protect your skin from cancer by using sunscreen and wear glasses. This will not only protect you from getting damaged but also maintain its even tone.

Tips for Protecting Yourself from Skin Cancer

tips to protect your skin
  • Define your Phototype

The prototype shows how the skin reacts to sunlight and ultraviolet. In its most simplified form, it includes the color of the skin, hair, and eyes, as well as how quickly a burn occurs when exposed to direct sunlight. In addition, many doctors recommend that you check your moles once a month, and use a full-length mirror or take help from your partner to check your entire body, including your scalp, palms of your hands, soles of your feet, your back and other body parts. Monitoring your body every month will give an idea of how your skin changes. It is essential to aware yourself of everything about your skin.

  • Maintain Physical Activity

In addition to reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes, regular physical activity can reduce the risk of cancer by controlling your own weight. Obesity is a key factor in many types of cancer, and all due to hormonal imbalances. On the contrary, physical activity improves the functioning of the immune system, which further maintains hormone levels.

  • Monitor Your Direct Sunlight

Note that SPF only contains sun protection against UVB rays. The UVB is the kind of sun rays that create sunburns and redness on the skin, which further give development to skin cancer. On the other hand, the UVA rays are a kind of rays that are correlated with the aging of the skin. This means it generated various aging problems like wrinkles and fine lines. These are also known to commit to the development of skin cancer. This is why it is important to use a sunscreen that provides a shield against both UVA and UVB rays.

  • Go With Regular Checkups

Routine check-ups with a doctor and screening examinations for skin cancer can decrease the risk of expanding cancers. In general, doctors prescribe that everyone who has entered the age of 40 must have to visit a specialist and pick up a proper examination procedure for different varieties of skin cancers. This method of protection is not only adequate to counter the introduction of oncology but it also accommodates to recognise the development of a tumor at an early stage. This means you can favourably treat this disease for significantly extending life.

  • Know Your Moles

Moles are clusters of pigment-containing cells and are usually harmless. Melanoma is the least common but most dangerous type of skin cancer. It can occur on pre-existing moles. Symptoms to look out for include rapid growth, changes in color, shape, or border, and a previously flat mole becomes raised. Bleeding, itching, scaling, or ulceration is also a medical emergency. New, harmless moles often appear before the age of 25, they usually disappear with age, but often get darker during pregnancy. So, if you notice one large mole growing or changing, see your doctor right away.

  • Wear Sunglasses and Wide-Brimmed Hat

The face, ears, eyes, and neck are the most sensitive portions of your body structure. Usually, skin cancer occurs in these areas and affects the skin badly. For protecting yourself from such problems, you can carry loose clothing, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. Relaxed and baggy clothing will certainly shield you from immediate sunlight. And after all, it is also great if the costumes cover most of your body part. This is the best preventive on UV rays. Focus on those glasses that can block both UVA and UVB rays. So, you should also always wear sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat, and clothing that covers most of your body.

  • Consider Healthy Diet

A healthy diet does not only the overall health of the body but also plays a key role in reducing the risk of developing cancer. Proper nutrition will help maintain your weight and it will supply the body with useful substances necessary for the immune system to fight inflammatory processes. Add fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and legumes in your diet. Minimize your intake of sweetened drinks and energy drinks. Eat boiled foods or steam food and cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, rutabagas, and radishes. These vegetables help prevent cancer and protect your cells from DNA damage.

  • Choose a Sunscreen

Spending time in the sun increases your risk of skin cancer and premature skin aging, and regular use of broad-spectrum sunscreen can help reduce your risk. Sunscreen will only reduce your risk of skin cancer by about 40-50%. It is also imperative to thoroughly apply sunscreen all over your body and reapply at least every two hours, if not more often. If you have been in the water or sweating a lot, you should apply sunscreen right away.


Skin cancer diseases are much easier to prevent early on. Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment make it possible to recover at the initial stages in 90% of cases. This is facilitated by regular medical examination, knowledge of what needs to be tested and at what age. The earlier a person consults a doctor of Canberra skin clinic, the greater his chances of prolonging his life.